"Its not our abilities that show what we truly are....its our choices...."

Saturday, May 14, 2011


LETZ assume dat "osama z wantd in Ind". D intelligence bureau, with all its resources,gets whereabouts of osama,passes d fils to d home ministry.IFat all the file is processed, our pm calls pak president n informs hm of d situation. dat president demands proof of indictment of osama.A home secretary-level meetin is organisd n d dossier including the red corner notice of interpol is handed ove to pak.Pak takes its own tym n studiees the report. aftr 3-4mon islamabad says that evidence is not enuff to prosecute osama. anothr meeting is organisd n anothr set of eviddence is given.Finally,aftr 3-4 rounds pak agrees dat osama is guilty bt demands he be tried in pak court. Indapproaches the U.S. n aftr multiple negotiations dey direct pak to hand ovr osama to Ind, provided Osama is unaware of the things happenbing n stays der.
OSAMA is in INDIA nw.d govt celebrates its "victory of truth".Nw osama is suffering frm senile diseases.He is provided gud med care n security.Hez provided witrh a lawyer n d trial begins amid lots of media coverage.Osama bcomes a celebrity.Aftr a long tedious process,hez awarded death sentence.Again our pm gives a proud spech of victory n hw his govt succeeded in curbing terrorism.As perthe judicial procedure, osama's sentence is confrmd by high court n challenged in supreme court.There also he loses the case n sentence is confrmed. osama old n suffering frm multiple diseases appeals to president of India fr pardon.His files get stuk b/w home ministry n president's office.Aftr sometime a passngr aircraft is hijackd by al-qaeda n terrorists demand osama's release.Finally the govt gives in n exchanges osama fr a few hundreds of indians taken hostage.Now, once again, "OSAMA IS WANTED IN INDIA".
- the Hindu